Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016

konsultan di Jakarta | Jenis Tugas Konsultan | Konsultan Politik

sumber : Wikipedia
Standar Jasa Konsultasi merupakan panduan bagi praktisi (akuntan publik) yang menyediakan jasa konsultasi bagi kliennya melalui kantor akuntan publik. Dalam jasa konsultasi, para praktisi menyajikan temuan, kesimpulan dan rekomendasi. Sifat dan lingkup pekerjaan jasa konsultasi ditentukan oleh perjanjian antara praktisi dengan kliennya. Umumnya, pekerjaan jasa konsultasi dilaksanakan untuk kepentingan klien.

Jasa konsultasi dapat berupa:

*       Konsultasi (consultation) – memberikan konsultasi atau saran profesional (profesional advise) berdasarkan pada kesepakatan bersama dengan klien. Contoh jenis jasa ini adalah review dan komentar terhadap rencana bisnis buatan klien

*       Jasa pemberian saran profesional (advisory services) - mengembangkan temuan, kesimpulan, dan rekomendasi untuk dipertimbangkan dan diputuskan oleh klien. Contoh jenis jasa ini adalah pemberian bantuan dalam proses perencanaan strategik

*       Jasa implementasi - mewujudkan rencana kegiatan menjadi kenyataan. Sumber daya dan personel klien digabung dengan sumber daya dan personel praktisi untuk mencapai tujuan implementasi. Contoh jenis jasa ini adalah penyediaan jasa instalasi sistem komputer dan jasa pendukung yang berkaitan.

*       Jasa transaksi - menyediakan jasa yang berhubungan dengan beberapa transaksi khusus klien yang umumnya dengan pihak ketiga. Contoh jenis jasa adalah jasa pengurusan kepailitan.

*       Jasa penyediaan staf dan jasa pendukung lainnya - menyediakan staf yang memadai (dalam hal kompetensi dan jumlah) dan kemungkinan jasa pendukung lain untuk melaksanakan tugas yang ditentukan oleh klien. Staf tersebut akan bekerja di bawah pengarahan klien sepanjang keadaan mengharuskan demikian. Contoh jenis jasa ini adalah menajemen fasilitas pemrosesan data

*       Jasa produk - menyediakan bagi klien suatu produk dan jasa profesional sebagai pendukung atas instalasi, penggunaan, atau pemeliharaan produk tertentu. Contoh jenis jasa ini adalah penjualan dan penyerahan paket program pelatihan, penjualan dan implementasi perangkat lunak komputer

Pertanyaan selanjutnya yang mungkin Anda pikirkan adalah, apa perbedaan konsultan dengan ahli biasa? Salah satu perbedaan antara dua profesi ini adalah konsultan bekerja secara independen alias berusaha sendiri, sementara para ahli bekerja di kantor atau perusahaan yang membutuhkan jasa mereka. Semakin hari jasa konsultan di Indonesia semakin dibutuhkan. Selain dianggap pretisius dan gajinya lumayan, profesi ini juga bisa dilakukan secara part-time.

Berikut lima profesi konsultan yang akan tetap dibutuhkan di Indonesia sampai kapan pun:

1. Konsultan Bisnis
Perusahaan biasanya membutuhkan konsultan untuk memberi nasihat dan masukan demi kemajuan dan keuntungan perusahaan. Dalam menjalankan pekerjaannya, konsultan bisnis sangat ahli dalam soal menyusun perencanaan bisnis perusahaan ke depan, termasuk juga menganalisis target pasar, produk dan strategi pemasaran.

Konsultan bisnis akan memberikan nasehat dan masukan bila perusahaan akan melakukan investasi atau divestasi. Mereka harus bisa menganalisis kondisi perekonomian dan hubungannya dengan kemajuan perusahaan.

2. Konsultan Politik
Profesi ini biasanya akan banyak dibutuhkan di masa pemilu, baik pemilu kepala daerah maupun presiden. Bahkan partai politik pun mulai lebih sering mengandalkan konsultan politik untuk memperkuat pengaruh di dalam masyarakat. Biasanya para politikus akan meminta jasa konsultasi untuk bisa terpilih kembali menjadi legislator, atau bagaimana membuat posisinya aman dari pesaingnya.

Untuk menjadi konsultan politik, Anda diharuskan untuk mengerti politik di Indonesia juga bagaimana dinamikanya, sehingga Anda bisa membuat strategi yang menguntungkan klien. Anda juga dituntut untuk bisa meyakinkan para klien bahwa Anda mampu memberikan jasa konsultasi yang oke, di tengah persaingan konsultan politik lainnya.

3. Konsultan Hukum
Konsultan hukum adalah orang yang memberikan jasa hukum dalam bentuk konsultasi. Profesi ini diakui keberadaannya dalam UU no 18/2003. Konsultan hukum memberikan pertimbangan-pertimbangan dalam dunia hukum, termasuk juga jalan keluar untuk suatu masalah dan juga masukan yang bisa membantu para klien.

Makin banyaknya kasus hukum di Indonesia menyebabkan konsultan hukum ini makin dibutuhkan. Konsultan hukum tidak harus memiliki ijin praktik sebagaimana advokat atau pengacara. Tetapi, dia harus memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup untuk penyelesain sengketa, dan juga harus memiliki gelar sarjana hukum. Oh ya, dalam penyelesaian masalah hukum, konsultan hukum hanya berwenang memberikan nasehat saja.

4. Konsultan Pajak
Konsultan pajak adalah orang yang menyediakan jasa professional kepada wajib pajak, baik perorangan maupun perusahaan. Jasa yang ditawarkan adalah untuk melaksanakan hak dan kewajiban dalam hal perpajakan.

Untuk menjadi konsultan pajak, seseorang harus mengantungi sertifikat konsultan pajak. Jadi tidak bisa sembarangan orang. Bukan itu saja, bila ingin buka praktik sebagai konsultan pajak, mereka harus memenuhi persyaratan, termasuk izin praktik yang dikeluarkan Direktur Jendral Pajak.

Konsultan pajak membantu membuat perencanaan pajak, jasa konsultasi pajak, pengisian SPT perpajakan, dan mendampingi saat klien diperiksa soal pajaknya.

5. Konsultan Komunikasi
Konsultan komunikasi sering juga disebut sebagai konsultan public relations. Tugasnya membantu pihak Public Relations perusahaan untuk memperkenalkan atau mempromosikan brand, produk, atau jasa perusahaan kepada masyarakat.
dan tepat sasaran. di Indonesia biasanya sering juga disebut Konsultan PR. Konsultan PR ini membuat strategi komunikasi yang lebih detil untuk membangun opini pada brand atau produk yang dihasilkan perusahaan. Produk komunikasi yang diciptakan mulai dari iklan, konten, film dokumeter hingga film pendek


Finger Food

In the ides of March in 2005, a lady bit into a human finger while eating chili at a Wendy's in San Jose, California. A situation, such as this, could deter even the most loyal Wendy's customer from ever enjoying another Wendy's product. This single incident could have destroyed the company's image. However, Wendy's dealt with the situation appropriately and avoided any sustained damage to the brand.

Wendy's acted quickly and honestly, acknowledging the incident. The company accepted responsibility, closed the restaurant, threw out the chili, and had an investigation to uncover the source of the finger. Owner of a Crisis PR firm, Lou Williams, says clients should "tell it fast and tell the truth." This is exactly what Wendy's did.

Many companies fail to succeed in communicating honestly immediately after learning of an incident. However, crisis PR goes beyond the first days after an incident. A good crisis PR plan communicates with the public often. This means companies should not simply offer a single press conference and expect the public to forget about the issue. Good companies continue with statements and press conferences well after the incident to keep the public well-informed and maintain an open, honest image. People will forgive mistakes, but people will not forgive lies (Chandler).

Chandler, Michelle. Publix Relations Firms Tell Clients To Handle Crises Quickly, Honestly. Knight Ridder Tribune Business News. Washington: March 25, 2005.

PT ADYATMIKA SAKTI NUSANTARAno.1 Communication Strategic Consultant

Levick Strategic Communications | PR STRATEGIES

Leading The Pack
Levick Strategic Communications is a public relations firm specializing in crisis communications. The company was founded in 1998 by Richard Levick and it is one of the top five largest privately owned communications firms in Washington D.C. and has been assisting clients with crisis communications in both business and litigation.
Levick Strategic Communications has been named "Crisis Communications Firm of the Year" by the Holmes Report. The Holmes Report is "a leading trade publication covering the communications, marketing, and public affairs profession" (Yahoo). Levick earned the recognition from its exceptional work in the industry. The company was involved with managing several high stake matters, including global bank disputes, the largest civil litigation arising out of the war in Iraq, the Catholic Church controversy, and a variety of issues involving the Middle East.
Levick Strategic Communications successfully combats the negative public opinion of its clients. One client had this to say about his experience with the company:
A significant client of our firm was losing public opinion ground daily on its key legal objective. The client was beaten by the opposition to every major outlet, resulting in a wave of one-sided articles and opinion pieces. The cycle ended within days with the Levick team on the job. We got more coverage, with nothing but even-handed or favorable treatment, and even some reversals by those who were against us earlier. The Levick ramp-up on the issue was immediate. Guy MartinPartner, Perkins Coie LLP
Hard work does pay off. Levick Strategic Communications successfully filled a niche involving business and litigation which had previously remained generally untouched by other companies. Levick does its job and it does it well. This large privately owned company has just reached a significant benchmark.

PT ADYATMIKA SAKTI NUSANTARAno.1 Communication Strategic Consultant

Coke on college campuses

Coca-Cola has billed itself as the world's beverage, uniting all colors and cultures within its red-and-white swoosh. Behind that image, however, a growing student movement is taking the company to task for its less than harmonious record of human rights around the globe. The anti-Coke movement says that the beverage giant is complicit in murders and attacks on union organizers in Colombia and in environmental damage in India.

In 2005, six colleges and universities in the United States, including Carleton, Oberlin and Bard-have responded either by canceling contracts or banning vending machines. Campaigns are active at about ninety more campuses since then, making this the largest anticorporate campaign since the one against Nike. In 2006, critics of Coca-Cola have much to celebrate. 23 colleges worldwide have now banned Coke products from their campuses. The movement has spread within the United States as well and now includes bans approved in December by two large institutions, New York University and the University of Michigan.

In the context of crisis public relations Coke has done almost everything right according to established protocols. Coke acknowledges that many of the countries in which it does business do not have the labor or environmental standards of the United States, but the company says that it is a good corporate citizen, and is helping union organizers and environmentalists. And in an argument clearly designed to reach the hearts of student activists, the company is also now arguing that the boycott is in some cases taking business away from unionized workers in the United States and helping non-union businesses.

"We are costing Coke tens of millions of dollars, and this is growing," said Ray Rogers, director of the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke, which is coordinating many of the campus efforts (insidehighered.com). Rogers said that major targets in coming months would be the City and State Universities of New York, and the Universities of California, Minnesota and Montana.

In order to combat the negative publicity from the boycotts, Coke has responded with a series of visits by company officials to campuses and a Web site, Coke Facts, with the company's take on its foreign operations. Kari Bjorhus, a spokeswoman for Coke, called the boycott efforts "misguided and unfortunate." She said she didn't think the movement had momentum, and said that the company was working to prevent that from happening. She said that the protests against the company were "a distraction" from its efforts to help labor and the environment in various countries with Coke plants. She said she hoped that colleges would "be open to hearing the facts" about the company's operations before making decisions (insidehighered.com).
Bjorhus said that the problems facing union leaders in Colombia are real, but that they are not linked to Coke. She said almost one-third of Coke's employees in the country are unionized, compared to an average in that country of about 4 percent.

no.1 Communication Strategic Consultant


The Da Vinci Code goes from best-selling book to big-screen blockbuster amid the sort of ticket-selling controversy that studios pray for. While the film is gaining publicity, it's also coming under attack from religious leaders who have argued that the film should be changed so as not to offend Catholics. With the movie's release only a few months ahead, this controversy is gaining both negative and positive publicity for this greatly anticipated film.

Sony is launching a marketing campaign designed to both increase anticipation for the film while catering to the religious groups who have abeen known to trash films that displease them. The problem with a film that has such high expectations like The Da Vinci Code is that the huge publicity can backfire. Sony is doing its best to pacify religious leaders. It hired crisis public relations firm Sitrick & Company to help it devise a strategy that gave Catholics the ability to vent while pitching the Da Vinci Code film as fiction, not a dramatization of real events.

Sitrick, in true crisis public relations form, had personnel interview religious leaders to gauge their attitudes, and the company hired one-time Warner Brothers publicists Jonathan Bock, whose company Grace Hill Media has promoted films like The Chronicles of Narnia and The Exorcism of Emily Rose to religious groups. Bock, in turn has built a Web site, thedavincichallenge.com, and invited a cross-section of Christian writers, scholars, and evangelical leaders to discuss the book in a series of essays. Sitrick & Company and Imagine Entertainment, Ron Howard's production company, did not return phone calls. A Sony spokesman says: "We view The Da Vinci Code as a work of fiction that is not meant to harm any organization. And at its heart, it's a thriller, not a religious tract" (Businessweek.com)

no.1 Communication Strategic Consultant


Pre-Crisis Planning

With the countless number of public relations crises in the past and the expenses associated with them, organizations are beginning to realize that it is essential to create a crisis plan before a crisis actually occurs. As in any facet of business, planning is important. It creates a clear picture of what is to be expected and how to handle specific situations. Plans reduce mistakes and miscommunication which, in turn, reduces cost.

Now, not all crisis situations can be planned for, even though businesses dream of day where they can. However, using logic and experience to aid in brainstorming possible crisis situations will help companies prepare plans for foreseeable crises.

Planning for a crisis is important because when a crisis occurs, a company will already have a plan of action and a sense of order which will result in having a head start in managing the crisis. A major problem with crisis communications is getting the facts right and disseminating them within an appropriate timeframe. If the organization can not distribute the facts in a timely manner, news stories will speculate sharing rumors and other false information which requires correction.

A crisis PR plan will create a team which is responsible for managing the crisis. Each person will have specific responsibilities and a clear role in the team. Additionally, contacts will be made so communication can occur in a timely manner without having to research who to contact and how to contact them during a crisis.

A good crisis PR plan will have clear, specific directions on how to manage the crisis and the steps involved. A crisis plan is like having directions to building a model airplane. Without the directions, it is possible to assemble the model airplane properly. However, it is significantly more difficult than assembling the model airplane with the directions at hand. Any way you slice it, a crisis PR plan is a great idea for any business.


no.1 Communication Strategic Consultant

Senin, 08 Agustus 2016

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