Selasa, 07 Maret 2006

Security From Our Enemy?

Well, eh........jeez. I suppose it can't be helped. Our president has created another public relations crisis. Bush made a deal with the United Arab Emerites in which the United Arab Emerites were granted the contract of manning several of America's ports. This deal strikes the nerves of many, or most, Americans who are concerned that having non-Americans protecting the ports will create holes in our border, through which terrorists can strike.

At the same time, President Bush declared that he would "veto any congressional action against the port deal". More shocking than handing the protection of our shores over to foreigners is the fact that Bush is openly disregarding the democracy of our nation. His statement shows that he thinks he can make decisions for our country without consulting the country (Nixon, anyone?).

President Bush needs to stop flexing his arms and let the country have a say. Bush will gain popularity if he asks the public for their opinions instead of basing national decisions on his own opinion.

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