Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

Short Proposal - KPI applied to HR System

Current global crisis is almost spread to all over  the world. Various corporate collapse because of failure to meet payments. Yet, Many of the investment portfolio  brought down that  impact of all aspects of the world economy. Including in the  freightforwarding business.

Mid-year 2009, the economic development  is estimated to decrease over 40%. Apparently, government  decide to lower the economic growth assumptions in the Budget from 6% to  3%. Other economic difficulties is the high value of US$ against the Indonesian Rupiah has reached 12 thousand rupiah per one dollar.

As one of the company's services must anticipate the situation arise with the strategic policy.  Many of the changes for the some business player identified as  disaster, but other says that may be a new business opportunity if there is the right strategy applied as special  value to  the consumers.

HRD team propose the management to execute  the Key Performance Index  or KPI, which link the inter  parts of management (finance, marketing, operation and personnel development) performance in a scorecard. Then , from the scorecard can be prepared in a matrix that can evaluate each of the target for 3, 6 and 9 months where there will be figures achievements both positive and negative. Previously, we inform that this program is also associated with the thesis that we will arrange to forward to the doctoral level.

Kindly to give me some time to presenting the proposal briefly. Thank you for your kindly attention and consideration.


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